• We open from 7am and close at 6:30pm weekdays.

  • We provide freshly cooked meals daily (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack), 50+ sunscreen, nappies and a nurturing and educational environment. For children who are breast/formula fed – this must be supplied in a clearly labelled bottle and given directly to your child’s educator.

  • All our meals are prepared daily on premises by our qualified cook using fresh and in season ingredients delivered by our various local suppliers. Children enjoy a variety of meals including spaghetti bolognese, vegetable soup, lasagne, meat and vegetable curries, risotto, tuna mornay, shepherd’s pie and many more. Water is consistently available for children throughout the day and with every meal. We provide morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack – our breakfast bar is open from 7am-8am each morning, for children who arrive early.

    We care for children who have been diagnosed with life threatening allergies, to ensure their safety – please do not bring any food into the centre. All formula and expressed breast milk must be provided in labelled bottles.

  • Please bring along a small bag (child size backpack) that contains at least 2 changes of labelled clothes. Your child’s wet bag, and any comfort items they may require for sleep. All formula and expressed breast milk must be provided in labelled bottles. We encourage lots of outdoor play throughout the year, so please pack weather appropriate clothing: raincoats, beanies, gumboots etc.

  • As part of our commitment to ensuring you feel involved in your child’s day, we have extensive opportunities for daily communication. Face-to-face is our favourite way to communicate with you, as it gives us the chance to build meaningful and trusting relationships.

    Storypark is another way to share information about each child and their centre experience. This is also something that enables you to be involved in your child’s daily life at Wood Street.

    We also have a variety of displays in the classrooms that show what has taken place, from daily routines to general information.

  • Routines are developed to ensure consistency between the centre and the child’s home. We recognise and embrace the primary role parents play in their child’s life, and work collaboratively with you to ensure proper routines are developed. Because of this, we are able to create a feeling of predictability and security for your children, and with that comes a sense of belonging and connection.

  • We encourage all children to have relaxation time at Wood Street. Not all children will sleep, some children may be provided with a quiet activity, listen to a story being read, or be involved in meditation or yoga.

  • Fees are still charged for any days your child is absent from Wood Street. Services Australia (Centrelink), will pay entitlements (CCS), up to 42 days per financial year without the requirement of documentation. Once 42 days is reached, you may be asked to present a medical certificate/statutory declaration etc.

    We unfortunately do not offer make up days. Children can attend extra days (over and above days that are permanently booked), and this is based on availability at the time. This is organised through contacting the front office.

    At times, we will have infectious illnesses at the centre. There are certain infectious illnesses that we are under obligation to notify families of – we do this by posting a sign on our front doors to the centre. We also send out an email notification of the infectious illness. Any concerns about infectious illnesses at the centre should be discussed with your GP.

  • Occasionally while your child is in our care, they may become unwell and need to be collected. Sometimes ‘unwell’ can be difficult to define – however if we notice your child is lethargic, disengaged and not their ‘usual self’ educators, together with management may make the decision that a child needs to be collected.

    It is important to remember that a child’s day at Wood Street is very busy and stimulating – when a child is feeling unwell, they need one on one attention in a calm and supportive environment – this cannot always be easily provided in group care situations.

    At other times there will be clear indications of illness, where children are required to be collected immediately. If we notice any of these symptoms you will be notified immediately: vomiting, diarrhoea (2 episodes or more), temperature 38 degrees or above. During these times, we ask that a parent/guardian/emergency contact immediately collects the child.

  • We offer orientation to all new children to the centre and this is largely based on the requirements of the individual child and their family. We implement at minimum, 2 compulsory visits where a family member attends the centre with their child. These visits are an opportunity for you and your child to get comfortable with the environment, share information and begin to develop a relationship with their educators.

    For these orientation visits fees are not payable, orientation days can extend beyond these initial two days, however fees are charged.

  • All educators at Wood Street, at minimum, have completed a Certificate 3 in Early Childhood. Although most educators hold a Diploma or a Bachelor in Early Childhood Education.

    Our 3- and 4-year-old kindergarten room have Qualified Kindergarten teachers present each day of the term. Our educators are also trained in First Aid, Anaphylaxis, Asthma management, Child Protection and Food Safety as required by the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

  • We strictly adhere to the Education and Care Services National Regulations in relation to educator to child ratios. 1 Educator to 4 Children (Children aged less than 3 years) 1 Educator to 11 Children (Children aged 3 years and over).